Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM)

Librarian's Toolbox - 2025

by Staff

Updated: December 1st, 2022

Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM) is a collection of manuals that provide standard cataloging rules for rare materials. Rare materials can include rare books, manuscripts, special collections, ancient artifacts, cartography, art, music, and serials. 


As a librarian of special collections or rare materials, having well-laid out manuals at your fingertips can save time and serve to easily refresh memories to accurately catalog your collections.

Depending on the type of materials that you need to catalog, select the manual that is required for the job. 

Succeeding in Library School

Expand your knowledge of information cataloging with the DCRM manual collection.

Most library and information science programs provide excellent introductions to cataloging techniques and procedures. However, there are many different types of materials and information that we humans have created. Expand your knowledge of how we have learned to describe and access materials of various types.